Why Clinical Trials? 

We occasionally hear from clinical trials that are looking to enroll patients. Stanford and UCSF often have open trials, and smaller clinics also contact us. Nationally, there are many myeloma trials. The links below are resources where anyone can find out more about myeloma trials.

Why Do a Clinical Trial?

Benefits of participating in a clinical trial:

  • Close patient monitoring: The trial sponsor typically has the doctor keep much closer contact with you, with more frequent testing of the disease status and treatment side effects, than when you are not on a trial.

  • Cost reductions: The sponsor of the trial often pays for your doctor visits, lab tests, and drugs.

  • Earlier access to drugs: If the trial is of a drug that is not yet approved, you may be getting the treatment many years earlier than if you wait for the FDA approval. 

  • Contribution: Clinical trials, whether an individual patient responds or not, advance the understanding of myeloma treatments. 

What to consider

A drug goes through four trial phases in the approval process:

  • Phase I determines maximum tolerated dosage

  • Phase II tests to see if the treatment works or not

  • Phase III compares possible new treatment with current standard of care

  • Phase IV studies long-term effects after FDA approval

In earlier trials, less is understood, such as potential side effects. You’ll want to look at the trial eligibility criteria (e.g. refractory/relapsed patient, newly diagnosed patient, patient health or previous treatment restrictions and more). And you’ll want to learn the length and administration details of any trial, including whether you can continue to get treated with the drug even after the trial ends.

Participation in clinical trials is a very individual decision. To help you locate clinical trials for myeloma, here are several resources:

Local Trials

Stanford: http://med.stanford.edu/clinicaltrials/

UCSF: https://clinicaltrials.ucsf.edu/multiple-myeloma

This may not represent all local trials since some are offered through smaller clinics.  For a more complete listing, see sites/contact info below.

More Clinical Trial Sites

US government: http://clinicaltrials.gov/

MMRF: https://themmrf.org/2019/05/clinical-trials/ or call 866-603-MMCT(6628) 6am-4pm PST M-F

IMF: http://myeloma.org/Main.action, click on "Treatment Options" and select "Clinical Trials," or call IMF Hotline 800-452-CURE (2873) 9am-4pm PST M-F

LLS: http://www.lls.org/#/diseaseinformation/managingyourcancer/clinicaltrials/ or call 800-955-4572 6am-3pm PST M-F

NCI: http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/search